On Sep  4, Matt Chorman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 > I am currently trying to use apt-get source to compile a few source 
 > packages. 
 > I would like to pass some custom configure flags to the configure process - 
 > i.e. something like conifgure --with-mysql. The dependancies are met, I just 
 > need to pass this flag. As far as I can see, apt-get does not have this 
 > ability. I can also not find in the source of apt where the system call for  
 > configure is.. So my question(s):
 > Am I missing something? Can apt-get pass configure options?
 > If not, could someone who knows point me in the right direction in the 
 > source?

You need to look in the package itself for the call to configure, not in the
apt source.  Suppose you are attempting to download and compile foo_1.2.3-4.

apt-get source foo      # no "--compile" option
cd foo-1.2.3
vi debian/rules         # find the call to configure, add "--with-mysql"
fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us

This will result in a .deb in the directory from which you called apt-get
source, which you can install with dpkg.

Neil Roeth

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