On Mon, 22 Sep 2003 11:27, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> > The scripts handle ordering by testing each dependency, and if it is
> > not already applied, invoking the corresponding apply script.  In
> > this way, all dependencies should be applied in proper order.
> > Rollback could presumably be implemented by unapplying all patches
> > if any patch fails (dh-kpatches should now implement correct
> > ordering for unapplication as well).
>         Well, if I have asked for 5 patches to be applied (preempt,
>  lowlatency, skas, device-mapper, lsm2, and debianlogo, in a recent
>  invocation), the lsm2 script indeed failed -- but only after preempt,
>  lowlatency, skas,  and device-mapper patches were applied (I did not
>  have acl kernel-patch on the machine). It would have been nice to
>  know about that before all the patches were applied.

I think that's a bug.  The next upload of the kernel-patch-2.4-lsm package 
will depend on the ACL patch package.

Also I will split the package and put the patch for the old SE Linux in a 
separate package on my web site.

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