On Sat, Oct 04, 2003 at 10:59:09AM +1000, Brian May wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 03, 2003 at 08:20:33PM +0200, Sebastian Kapfer wrote:
> > A minor issue that plagues me as a Sid user is the "broken packages"
> > display. When I install foo that breaks package bar by conflicts of
> > dependencies of dependencies (you get the idea), aptitude tells me that
> > there are broken packages. That's nice to know, but it would be even
> > better if aptitude could display a _list_ of these packages in the "g"
> > view (I mean the summary that appears just before committing the changes).
> > With the current release, I have to browse through the packages and hope
> > to stumble on the broken ones.
> I find the following painful in aptitude:
> I select package a to install. It suddenly says package x is broken.

Mostly in aptitude when I see a broken package, I highlight it, hit the 
+ key, and it either works or it's really broken (i.e., something's 

What aptitude *does* do that bugs me is sometimes packages I install 
with dpkg -i (such as kernels/modules) will be automagically selected 
for removal, if I'm not careful to reselect them.

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