On Mon, Nov 03, 2003 at 03:05:56PM -0500, Greg Stark wrote:
> I finally convinced a sysadmin friend of mine that Debian was the way and the
> light.

Ah, there's your mistake.

Don't do that. Anybody who uses Debian as a result of this sort of
evangelism is going to have a similar experience, so it's
self-defeating and wastes our time. Debian requires that users have a
desire to make it work.

> All he had to do was install an older version of libc6 and every other package
> would have been happy.

Heh, yaright. Downgrading libc6 tends to break stuff, that's why it
isn't supported.

> All the infrastructure is there to do this,

...except for the bit where the packages support downgrading, which
they don't. They never have, so supporting it in the frontends is
fairly futile.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
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