On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 22:36, Zenaan Harkness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Oh, you think there's a positive correlation between quality and
> > > quantity, do you? ;)
> >
> >     Regarding options available to choose and women breasts' size,
> > quantity is always quality ;-)
> I simply disagree here... purely subjective and personal taste
> though of course.
> Sometimes I wonder how I'd feel if some spoke of men in such a
> way. This occurs much less often than its opposite.

Here's the URL for a rap song that speaks of men in such a way:

It's funny how fast that song was pulled from the air, when rap songs saying 
the same (and worse) about women have been constantly on the air for the last 
15+ years.

As for the original claim about bigger always being better, there is plenty of 
evidence to the contrary.  When a woman has her breasts enlarged so much that 
she can't stand up properly most men won't find her attractive.

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