On Tue, 2003-11-18 at 01:46, Isaac To wrote:

> >>>>> "Tom" == Tom  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Tom> Significant whitespace?  Shudder, that brings back crusty old
>     Tom> memories of Fortran.  I have great fondness for fortran because of
>     Tom> the wonderful mathematical algorithms in LinPack, but I have no
>     Tom> fondness for significant whitespace.
> Please actually try to code something in Python before commenting on its use
> of spaces.  It is unlike the times of Fortran: in Fortran spaces are used to
> make programs easy to read by machines; in Python spaces are used to make
> programs easy to read by human.
You've never had to combine 'patch' and Python programs have you?  After
receiving a few created by people with different indent bigotries you
quickly realise why significant whitespace is a fundamentally bad idea.

I've had to go and ask someone where his new block was supposed to be
indent-wise before because he used X-space tabs and only provided a
single tab at the start.  (And no, it wasn't in the obvious place.)

(And this is ignoring the person who sent a patch made with -l that
changed the indent level of a number of blocks.)

Have you ever, ever felt like this?
Had strange things happen?  Are you going round the twist?

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