On Wed, 2003-12-03 at 18:36, bruce wrote:
> hi...
> I was talking with Ian Murdock yesterday, and he suggested I pose the
> question to this group.
> We're interested in creating a development environment that would allow open
> source applications to be created. The development environment would go
> beyond simply providing project management functions (ala sourceforge.net)
> but to actually allowing developers to build/create/test their applications
> within our network. Users would be able to add/modify applications on the
> test servers to suit their needs. Such a network would have to be carefully
> developed, given the inherent security issues.
> The issue we're facing, is how would you go about constructing such an
> environment. Does anyone have any pointers to information/sites regarding
> this issue? Does anyone have expertise regarding the
> construction/development of this kind of environment?
> I kind of thought that given what Debian has put together with it's
> development environment, that there might be people on this list who might
> be able to provide some  pointers.
> All reasonable pointers/assistance will be helpful.
> Thanks
> Bruce Douglas
> (925) 866-2790

Hi Bruce,

        I don't want to disappoint you, but as with all IT projects, 
you need to specify a very specific goal that you want to achieve. 
Your goal, "allow open source applications to be created" and "allowing
developers to build/create/test their applications within our network.
Users would be able to add/modify applications on the test servers to
suit their needs" doesn't sound very aimed toward something.

        Given the requirements for application development, a lonely
place for writing and a clean environment for testing, I don't think
you are going to achieve much. Separated testing environments with
free access to the internet to the outside, look like an awfully
inviting target for people with not so nice intentions (spammers, virus
distributers, port scanners etc.)

        Good luck, hope you make something of your idea.



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