Eric Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John Goerzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 05:48:21PM -0800, Eric Wong wrote:
> > I have one feature request: I'd like to have an option so that I can ask
> > it to rebuild arch-indep packages just like it rebuilds other packages.
> > In other words, a "never download any .deb, ever" option :-)
> Rebuilding arch-indep packages is no problem, and I'll gladly add an
> option for that.  An option for 100% source packages will also be added,
> but I'll also put a fat warning in there about circular dependencies.

Check. --source-only / APT::Fu::SourceOnly

> > > Though it takes some configuring.
> > 
> > I'd like to be able to set that one, too...  just do the upgrade for all
> > packages.  But that effect can be simulated now with dpkg
> > --get-selections.
> OK, I'll add an option for that.

Check. --source-upgrade-all / APT::Fu::SourceUpgradeAll
> OK, I'll do my best to have all the changes you requested done and
> tested by tomorrow.  Let me know if you have any other feature requests
> and/or bug reports.

Sorry I took so long, but the 0.2.3 release should have everything you

deb ./
deb-src ./

It passes lintian.  Feedback/comments/bug reports on the package would
be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Eric Wong                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Petta Technology, Inc      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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