On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 09:06:02PM +0100, Thomas Viehmann wrote:
> Jamin W. Collins wrote [in a different order]:
> However, I'd prefer to have a "work in progress" blurb in
> README.Debian, partially to acknowledge that there are still some
> things to be smoothed out. (The reason I believe an update is
> appropriate in spite of regarding this as "work in progress" is that
> the version fixes many errors (some severe and security) of the
> package currently in unstable.)

Why not request the removal of the version that is in unstable and put
the "work in progress" version into experimental?  Then as the kinks are
worked out of the packages they could be moved over into unstable.  This
might mean that a few of the modules don't make it in right away, but
would probably make for a smoother transition.

> > - The database admin password is stored in debconf.  This should not be
> >   done.  Ask for it, use it, and then remove it from the database.
> What does this mean for the removal of the database upon purging the
> package?
> I don't have the impression that people will be very happy with debconf
> prompts in the postrm. (Of course, debconf might already have been
> removed in the postrm...)
> Should I just not drop the database?

Dropping user entered data blindly isn't usually a good thing.  While a
prompt during postrm isn't great, IMHO it's better than storing a DB
admin password in debconf.

Jamin W. Collins

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. --Aldous Huxley,
"Proper Studies", 1927

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