Hiya all,
First of all let me introduce myself, my name is Scott Minns, i'm a debian user, not a developer.  That most likely makes you question why i'm using thins mailing list at all, let alone having the gall to propose altering a well established testing and release system.

Here is my proposal and I would like to hear your thoughts on it, In addition to the present releases- stable, testing and unstable. We add a release called current.

For my general servers stable is too old and lacks features and software that I need, I hate using back ports or software from other releases, it seems to always eventually cause problems.  Yet for my web servers stable is perfect, its rock solid :) However I would not trust testing or unstable on a production server. My suggestion would be this

Stable - released when the software is rock sold and very mature
Current - This is software that has been in testing for six months and experienced no critical bugs, floors or dependency problems. A new version is released every six months - supported by a security team.  After 1 year the current version becomes stable.
Testing - Software in the queue to enter current – otherwise as it is at present
Unstable - new software, no testing for those that like to live dangerously -  as it is at present

My reason for suggesting this change is that I love using debian, but I’m currently having to evaluate other distros and OS's such as slack and FreeBSD to get the features, stability and security that we need.


I will be interested to hear you feedback and thought on the matter.

Best regards


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