On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 04:11:26PM +0200, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> > Sorry, but the basic problem I'm speaking about has nothing to do with
> > volatile - but just that requiring substancially more memory might be a
> > bad idea. We still have inn1 and inn2 parallel (and I'm a happy user of
> > inn1), for similar reasons.
> But the problem still stands: spamassassin 2.x should not be used
> anymore because it's obsolete.
> People should either work to reduce the memory usage of 3.x or switch to
> a different filtering program.

That's silly. Maybe 2.x is obsolete but it catches about 90% of my spam.
Which still leaves 20 or so per day in my inbox. But I'd be very pissed
if upgrading my PII-233 with 128MB of RAM installs a program which just
can't run on that machine. 



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