This one time, at band camp, John Hasler said:
> Henning Makholm writes:
> >   1. Volatile is a means for *pushing* updates to stable
> >      installations, where such updates are necessary for *preserving*
> >      the utility of packages due to changes of the outside world.
> >   2. "Necessary for preserving the utility" should be judged under
> >      the assumption that the machine that runs stable does not itself
> >      change. (I.e., appeals to "this is needed for modern hardware"
> >      don't count).
> >   3. No update pushed through volatile should ever change any
> >      user interfaces or programmatic interface. (How paranoid
> >      developers are expected to be in ensuring this is negotiable,
> >      but it must at least be the *goal* that no interfaces change.)
> > ...
> > An update of mozilla-browser would be appropriate for volatile if it
> > did not change the upstream codebase, but, say, updated the default
> > SSL root certificate set in response to announcements from a
> > well-known CA.
> > An update that fixed the default style sheet to include new tags
> > from XHTML 2.1, assuming that it was possible without code changes,
> > would be borderline. Anything more involved than that - no thanks.
> Sounds about right to me.

AOL.  Thanks, Henning, for saying it so much better than I could.
|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                            |

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