For about a couple of months I've been working in order to fix 'tutos'
so that the latest upstream, plus additional plugins and handlers, is
included in Sarge. The version currently available in testing is very
old and misses lots of new features, plus has some annoying bugs.

I've been in contact with the current maintainers, and even though they
have been very helpful, I feel they don't have enough time for my

I've placed the package in

deb binary/

and it does install properly (I've been able to test it in i386, alpha
and sparc) and seems to work fine. I'd like more testing from other
people, of course.

There's an issue with a couple of dependencies:

- The currently available version in Sarge depends on libphp-jpgraph
  (1.5.2). The latest TUTOS' version will _not_ work with that, and the
  changes needed to make it so are not trivial. Upstream libphp-jpgraph
  changed licences from 1.6 on, and it's no longer DFSG compliant.

  For _my_ internal use, I've packaged 1.16, and TUTOS works fine (is
  also in the APT source listed before)

- TUTOS has a very nice Palm Plugin that allows exporting things like
  contacts and calendars to PDB files. The library required for that
  is DFSG compliant, but it's not packaged in Debian; I've already
  packaged for my internal use, and it works, I've just not added it
  as a dependency yet.

I'd appreciate pointers on what to do now in order to get this package
into Sarge, and hopefully the libphp-pdb library as a new package.

My public GPG key is in

for those interested in verifying the packages (note that it is signed by
César Mendoza, already a Debian Developer).
Ernesto Hernández-Novich - On Linux i686 - Unix: Live free or die!
Geek by nature, Linux by choice, Debian of course.
If you can't apt-get it, it isn't useful or doesn't exist.
GPG Key Fingerprint = 438C 49A2 A8C7 E7D7 1500 C507 96D6 A3D6 2F4C 85E3

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