On Saturday 16 October 2004 07:34, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> Hi folks,
> How are you making Debian into UTF-8 and multilingual/multi-locale
> system while switching between normal gnome and Xfce? So far, I did
> not find this trivial.

Well, in my case, I found SCIM to be the best solution. I don't need to 
care about locales any more, because SCIM doesn't care about locales, 
as long as you use any UTF-8 locale as default. I just switch on SCIM 
which input method I prefer and can insert CJK into any UTF-8 aware 
application. The locale setting only refers to which language I want to 
have to display the windowmanager and system messages.
GTK2 apps and mozilla, ooo etc. need to have LC_CTYPE to be set to any 
CJK UTF-8 locale to accept SCIM input.
If you want to try SCIM, compile it from source 
(www.freedesktop.org/Software/scim/), the debian packages don't work 
for me.

So, as I prefer my system to be in english, I use en_US.UTF-8 as main 
locale and zh_TW.UTF-8 as LC_CTYPE. XMODIFIERS has to be set to 

The SCIM approach is in my opinion the only useful one, since the locale 
should only reflect which language you prefer and in which country you 
are. It should have nothing to do with input methods, as long as your 
system is UTF-8.

Just my 2 conts.

Arne GÃtje (éçè) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
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