Am Donnerstag, 28. Oktober 2004 10:38 schrieb Joey Hess:
> Cajus Pollmeier wrote:
> > Just one question. Lets say I'd put some extra driver modules for
> > hardware not officially supported by the debian installer on a floppy
> > disk (in form of an  a .udeb) and let the installer load this file during
> > the installation in order to detect the additional hardware.
> >
> > Would this udeb get installed into my target system later on? If this
> > additional driver is needed for i.e. disk access, it should be placed in
> > the initrd when the target kernel gets installed.
> It would not. You can however include a udeb on your floppy that
> installs a prebaseconfig hook script which would run after the base
> system is installed, or a base-installer hook script which would run
> just before base is installed (or perhaps both), and at that point do
> one of these things, in approximate order of difficulty and inverse
> order of cleanliness and desirability:
>   a. copy the module into /target from the d-i system
>   b. install a .deb of the module into /target from the floppy
>   c. add something to sources.list for the apt repository you should have
>      that contains the .deb, and then use apt-install to get it installed

Ok. Will try (b) to use the apoximated intersection between cleanliness
and difficulty ;-)


PS: Sorry for mailing multiple times, but it took about three hours to see
        the mail coming up in the list.

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