On Thu, Oct 28, 2004 at 09:44:18 +0200, Jerome Warnier wrote:
> > Even if it gets integrated in the kernel (which I am not 100% sure about),
> > having a package would make it work on older kernels. Also, an init script
> > is needed to configure what events you are interested in and the package
> > can provide example configuration files in /etc/acpi.
> Shouldn't it be integrated to package "acpid" then?

Yes, if the patch gets integrated, that would be the best solution.
I am not saying that the package can't be obsoleted in the future. It can
be however of use right now. I don't know, but maybe it could even make
it to sarge...

David Schweikert        | phone: +41 44 632 7019
System manager ISG.EE   | walk:  ETH Zentrum, ETL F24.1
ETH Zurich, Switzerland | web:   http://people.ee.ethz.ch/dws

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