I only run bash 2.0 on my systems at home.

On Sat, 17 May 1997, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:

>>>>>> "Christoph" == Christoph Lameter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>    Christoph> I have tested your scripts and everything works just as
>    Christoph> it should.  Check your system for anything special you
>    Christoph> might have done.
> The special thing was to have upgraded to Bash-2.0.  I just
>downgraded to 1.14.7, and the scripts run now.  I think we should
>report this as a Bash bug.
>Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Portland, OR  USA
>Debian GNU 1.2  Linux 2.1.36 AMD K5 PR-133

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