Actually Debian could potentially use all the standard levels 0-6 for
itself, and we could define the not so standard levels 7-9 to be totally
for users purposes.  That would give us much more space.  We could then
even take one of the 0-6 and reserve it for future use by Debian.  And
users would have plenty of room to play around themselves with 7-9.


Message from Milan Zamazal ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on 5-23-97:
> I know nothing about runlevel standards, just my opinions:
> >>>>> "AK" == Alexander Koch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     AK: level 1 is without net, 2 is with it all (imo including nfs
>     AK: and the like) and 3 is xdm, 6 was shutdown or halt or
>     AK: whatsoever.  at least that i remember from some german
>     AK: distribution.
> I'm no big sysadmin but I think we can use all 1 to 4 levels.  One
> free runlevel could be enough (in actually, if *I* need some
> modifications, I make them by modifying existing runlevels not
> creating new ones).
>     AK: default runlevel is 2 so why should nfs start with 3?
> I'd like something similar to:
> 1: single user
> 2: multiuser with minimal networking, probably without offering services
> 3: full networking (NFS, xfs, anonymous ftp, ...)
> 4: xdm? (yes, it is common on Slackware and RedHat to start xdm
>    according to runlevel, but maybe Debian /etc/X11/config concept is
>    better)
> 5: empty for making special local runlevel?
> So if I want to do something without being too used from outer world,
> I can switch to level 2 (and I can still telnet or ftp somewhere).
>     AK: if 3 gets xdm, perhaps gpm should be disabled and the like?
> Remark: gpm should be disabled only when it doesn't work as a
> repeater.
> BTW, I don't like RedHat concept of empty level *4*.  When I upgraded
> HW on some RedHat machine, I lowered default level from 5 to 4 in
> expection it will disable just xdm.  Then I spent an hour looking for
> explanation, why many services don't start after changing HW.  After I
> explored runlevel 4 was empty, I was far from being polite...

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