[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian M. Carlson) writes:

> This is an intent to mass-file bugs as required per custom.
> Bugs will be filed:
>  1) on packages that include GNU Free Documentation Licensed-material;
>  2) on packages in 1) that do not include the copyright or license of
>     the material in their copyright files;
>  3) at serious severity (DP sec. 2.2.1 and 12.5);
>  4) with reportbug -m (maintonly@);
>  5) by a human, with all facts checked first.

I object.  Until there is "universal" consensus (either through a vote,
leader action, whatever) that GFDL material must be purged from main,
these bugs are wishlist at best.

debian-legal consensus alone is not grounds for removal.

For every sprinkle I find, I shall kill you!

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