
        My contention is: if we are talking about a program that needs
 kernel headers, and can't be satisfied with the headers included in
 the libc5-dev package (which corresponds to 2.0.29, or something),
 that means we are talking about a program that needs some very
 specific kernel data structures, and can't do with the definition of
 that data structure included in the libc headers.

        I assume that the program uses this version specific data
 structure (or else why require to see this specifically?); that means
 it uses it in interaction with the kernel in some way.

        So, since it can't use the definition contained in the headers
 of a different kernel, as this definition would be different and
 possiby meaningless, 

        Therefore running this program on any other kernel than the
 one it was compiled for is meaningless, and would probably cause it
 to crash and burn.

        If at this point someone says it is not so, that it can run on
 any kernel, then I say it should not require the headers of the
 kernel sources on the developers machine (which may or may not
 correspond to the running kernel) as opposed to the headers from
 2.0.29 included in libc5.

        In any case, I shall not include directions about the net
 headers, since any one maintaining a programme that requires such an
 intimate iteraction with the kernel should have the knowledge to
 affect this in a version independent fashion.

        Also, any programme this closely connected to the kernel
 version should have the version of the kernel it was compiled for in
 the name, a-la-pcmcia-cs, and should take extreme care on *every*
 invocation that the current kernel version is the same as the one
 it was compiled for, in case the bug is subtle and not easy to

Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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