On Wed, Dec 01, 2004 at 04:13:51PM -0600, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> On Wed, 1 Dec 2004 17:34:34 +0100, Michelle Konzack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 
> > I do not like to go to prison in Iran or may be killed because I
> > have such application on one of my Desktops.
>       The solution is to change iran, not try to change the rest of
>  the world to bve implicit in the oppression.

So if it is illegal to give the hot-babe images to minors,
do you propose to change those laws also? Do you think that
they may exist for good reasons?

Including this package would seem to ultimately reduce our freedom
to distribute the Debian OS (ie, to minors, as well as possibly
to some parts of the world). I can't see how that is desirable.

I think that including this package makes us look immature.


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