[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Welton)  wrote on 28.05.97 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> While it would be nice if new developers took over some orphaned packages
> (I plan to), unloading a package on someone that they have no interest in,
> is, IMHO, a bad thing.  If they are personally interested in it, they are
> more likely to understand it well, keep it up to date, and release timely
> bug fixes.

Another point - I've always wanted to take over some orphaned package(s),  
but I wanted to first, learn the basic stuff with the packages I wanted to  
do (that's more-or-less done), and second, get my system in a somewhat  
more usable state (currently, the main problem is much too full disks,  
which makes development a real pain, and which will probably change  
shortly after the release - I'll then be able to get rid of buzz [which I  
need because our servers still run it] and rex, because I'll install bo on  
those servers).

MfG Kai

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