> > We are running cvs.debian.org over an ISDN line.  Currently the only
> > code under it is the Deity project.
> >
> > I can make other source trees and set up other users if others want to
> > do distributed development this way.
> I need a shared CVS repository for boot-floppies. Especially people
> who do the porting to other architectures should be able to merge
> their changes wtihout needing to disturb the primary maintainer.

No problem.  Just mail me a list of the developers and the name of
the "project" and I'll set it up for you.  Things are pretty hectic
right now and I haven't automated this process, so it may take a couple
days for me to get it done.

> Is there a way to restrict the people who can write to the repositroy
> part of one package?

For now, I'll set it up so only people in the group you mail me can write
to it.

> > Unfortunately, I haven't been able to set up "world read access" yet
> > because CVS always wants write access to the directory (for lock files)
> > so currently it is either group read/write or world read/write.
> OpenBSD offers anonymous CVS ; you could try to ask them.

I've passed this on to the CVS maintainer and asked him if he could include
those patches in the Debian package.

> I think that Debian's CVS repository should be located on a
> well-connected site; ISDN isn't enough.

Somebody is free to take it if they want.  I think you overestimate the
amount of bandwith used, though.  Unless we're archiving the entire
source tree with all developers using it, I sincerely doubt there will
be any problems.

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