On 05/12/2004 James Foster wrote:
> Pornography may be offensive to some. Is the package description for
> hot-babe accurate? Are people who do not want it installed being
> forced to install it?
> People who may be offended by the package should read its description
> and make up their own mind about whether or not they would like to
> install it.
> [...]
> There's no excuse for censorship, ever.

so you would even accept nazi propaganda material in debian, just
because you dislike censorship?

did you ever think about the issue, that discriminating
positions/POVs themselves are censoring, as they eliminate the thoughts
of suppressed individuals?

in my eyes there shouldn't be any tolerance for intolerance, as you
woun't get respect in return. rather your tolerance will be exploited.

and apart from that, i don't need a gender war in debian. nearly every
community i know, online or reallife, ran into sexist problems sooner or
later, caused by latent disriminating structures in modern societies.


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