On Mon, 2004-12-06 at 21:25 +0100, Andrea Bedini wrote:
> Il giorno lun, 06-12-2004 alle 01:49 +0000, Andrew Suffield ha scritto:
> > Word games. Censorship is when a citizen of one body chooses to have
> > that body distribute something (by being a citizen and distributing
> > it), and another citizen tries to stop them.
> This is not the case: one member of a community chooses to do something
> on which community doesn't agree. So community decides to not follow his
> member and *let him do what he wants by his own*. Debian should not do
> everything a single developer wants to do; as a community we have to
> find a general consensus on our policy.
> If we think that some action (like packaging sexist material) is
> offensive for out principles (yes, me may have more principles other
> free software) we can decide to try to  stop that action. Debian is a
> community not just a set of independent members (at least this is what
> i'll like it to be)
> my just 2 cents for my very first post :-)

And a very well-said one, at that.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA
PGP Key ID 8834C06B I prefer encrypted mail.

The political implications of this picture are pretty amazing.

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