On Sat, 2004-12-11 at 00:13 +0000, Rich Walker wrote:
> > It is outrageous to think that China's or Saudia Arabia's censorship
> > regimes should somehow influence our decision making in the slightest.
> I believe the correct flame-inducing argument at this point is "tell
> that to the first person tortured or executed for possessing a Debian CD
> with hot-babe on it *who was not aware it was there*".

If you live in a country with such draconian laws, then surely you ought
to make sure as a matter of course about anything that you obtain from
anywhere outside that country, regardless of the policy of the source
with regards to including things that could get you in trouble. After
all it is your life at stake.

So, even if Debian were to take the position that they aren't going to
include anything which might be illegal somewhere in the world[0] and
that they made a genuine concerted effort, in good faith, to make sure
that this was true, then I would suggest that since your life could be
at stake you ought to make pretty damn certain for yourself that the CD
isn't going to get you hung. Or perhaps you might like to trust that
responsibility to some group whose aim is to produce a Debian CD that
can safely be distributed in your country, but trusting that
responsibility to the Debian developers as a whole, when your life may
be at stake, would be pretty stupid of you. 

How many DD's do you think have the knowledge of, for example, Saudi law
(not to mention incentive, time etc) necessary to make a guarantee to a
person living in Saudi that a package won't get them hung? Crossed with
the same knowledge for China? Crossed with the next place? You'd have to
be an idiot to trust your life to those odds.

[0] which I certainly don't think it should. I agree with Thomas on this
one, it would be outrageous to pander to such countries. The fact that a
DD is willing to package and distribute something under their local laws
seem to me to imply that the package is at least safe to possess in the
reasonable countries in the world, in that they won't hang you or
otherwise throw the book at you for unwittingly possessing something
which happens to be illegal in your jurisdiction.


Ian Campbell

When in doubt, lead trump.

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