On Sat, 31 May 1997, Leland Olds wrote:

>  -Changes and patches to the Qt library itself can't be distributed
>   without Troll Tech first integrating them into their product and
>   "blessing" them.  Qt wants to keep ownership and control of that.
>   (This is true for the X Windows platform as well.)

This is also partially true for OSS, the Sound Drivers in the Kernel. Some
form of commercial company developed these drivers and sells a more
complete version and does some cross-platform stuff. If you dig around the
web pages enough you realize that they also do not accept any old patch.
There was actually a sentance about how a patch may be rejected if it is
too large - it would be difficult to integrate into the original sources
(the OSS in the kernel is generated from some super-set of sources) 

So this seems pretty common in the Linux community.


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