On Sun, Dec 12, 2004 at 04:09:04AM +0100, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
> Steve McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Depends on what you mean by a "good hardware design". For example, a
> > lot of the USB dongles becoming common would be significantly bigger
> > and/or more expensive if they had to have sufficient space on-board
> > for a complete firmware implementation. As cost and size can be
> > _everything_ on these devices, downloading firmware each time they are
> > started/connected can actually be a good design choice.
> Is a bit of flash or rom that much bigger than ram?

No, but it's not a replacement either. So what's your point?

> Is a bit of flash or rom that much bigger than ram? Isn't most of the
> space in the dongle air or filling material?

Circuit board area is the issue.


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