On Wed, Jan 05, 2005 at 06:39:23AM +0000, Matthew Garrett wrote:

> >> Does the new address bring with it a more constructive attitude towards
> >> volunteers who have contributed countless hours over the years to keeping
> >> this project running, or should I plan to killfile this one as well?
> > So you decided to play a "my volunteer work is worth more than your
> > volunteer work" game? When you do feel annoyed by me, why do you still reply
> > to my mails? Trolling attitude of yours... 
> I believe Steve's volunteer work to be worth more than your volunteer
> work. Now, you're welcome to point out that I'm guilty of hypocrisy
> here, since I complained about your abuse of volunteers. But you've done
> so while continuing to expect them to provide you with useful services,
> whereas I expect nothing useful from you whatsoever.

I haven't said that he hasn't done more work than I. I just wanted to point
out that this kind of game is childish. Well, if you want to play at that
level, do it yourself. 

> There is a line at which someone who is volunteering their time and
> effor is doing so in such a way that they take up more of other people's
> time than they save. You've crossed that line, and you show no signs

So why you wasting more and more time with me than? 

> whatsoever of wanting to get back on the correct side of it. As a

Who decides what the correct side is? You? That's only viable for your
business. Maybe you should read a Rosa Luxembur cite and respect the
different opinion of other people instead of flaming them? Criticize my work
in a proper way, if you like (or being able to). But going for a witch hunt
should be under your level, eh? ;) 

> project, Debian owes you nothing. If you're not going to make a
> sufficiently useful contribution to outweigh your character flaws, then
> it's better for you to make no contribution whatsoever.

So, you say: Debian don't want contribution of people that other people
don't like. Interesting. 
> Unless you're a FPAV fan, please don't Cc: me.

I just press "g" to reply to list mails. Other people (like Steve) are
capable of configuring their MUAs in that way that they don't get CCs. Maybe
you doing something wrong then? Please ask those people how you can rid off
of off-list CC replies. 

Ciao...              // 
      Ingo         \X/

Please note that year 2005 has come to an end and 
the year 2005 is now  -  even in my mail address!

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