Le Mer 2 Février 2005 09:52, Stephen Quinney a écrit :
> On Wed, Feb 02, 2005 at 08:23:20AM +1100, Matthew Palmer wrote:
> > On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 04:46:51PM +0000, Stephen Quinney wrote:
> > > The changes between major versions of Request Tracker are
> > > typically substantial and one usually wants the opportunity to
> > > test an installation of the new version alongside the old
> > > version. If a user has made lots of local alterations (via RT's
> > > overlay system) they probably won't work without being updated to
> > > the new API. This method gives people a much easier upgrade path.
> >
> > The same could be said of a lot of packages in Debian.  Why can't
> > users do roughly the same thing as they do for every other
> > application in Debian -- test new releases of software separately
> > before they go running around dumping them on production boxes?
> I don't think most Debian packages positively encourage their users
> to extend and modify the interface in the way that RT does.
some does. but a lot of the ones that do permit that have nice and 
kludgy mechanism to allow easy migrations from one version to the 

IIUC RT has some problems in ``BC'' between the version, and that is sth 
that I consider beeing a grave upstream problem.

So for my part, I understand, and even support your point.
·O·  Pierre Habouzit
OOO                                                http://www.madism.org

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