On Jun 2, 11:50am, Peter Tobias wrote:
> > - slay - tiny script to kill all processes a user has. This is ready.
> 'kill -9 0' does this too :-).

Oh, not really.
It kills all *your* processes, while slay kills someone else's processes.
There's a tiny difference, isn't it?
I'm only not absolutely sure if such a tiny script should be put into
separate package...

> > - asmail - a utility similar to xbiff but with more power and AfterStep
> >   look and feel. This isn't done yet, but will be soon.
> >   BTW. What section should it go to? Mail or X11?
> I think David Engel is already maintaining asmail.

Strange... I searched for it everywhere and couldn't find...
And didn't find *anyone* maintaining asmail...

> Thanks,
> Peter


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