In a debian/rules file I am currently testing, the following two lines are
        install -o root -g root -m 755 -d $(DEBLIB)
        install -o root -g root -m 777 -d $(DEBLIB)/netplan.dir

where $(DEBLIB) is 'pwd'/debian/tmp/usr/lib/plan. I want usr/lib/plan to
have mode 755 and usr/lib/plan/netplan.dir to have mode 777. However, the
above two lines leave both as 755. Am I missing something here? For now I
also have a chmod command in debian/rules but I thought the above method
would be cleaner. Any help is gratefully appreciated. Cheers, Colin.

          Colin R. Telmer, Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
                School of Policy Studies, Queen's University
                     Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L-3N6
              (613)545-6000x4219   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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