> Let me remind you of one thing...
> Both qmail (which proved insecure <most evil grin>)

To what are you referring ?

> and Exim are not capable
> of UUCP or even bang paths!

Qmail is most definitely capable of UUCP (I use it here), and AFAIK bang paths 
can be done with rmail.

> So a lot of those guys in countries where phone
> costs are terrible (like in Germany) still use it and they WILL have a problem
> then.
> I consider this a big problem for many Europeans.

qmail with maildir2smtp provides an alternative (often better) solution to 
this problem.

I'm not sure how you would deal with having to bangify addresses, but does 
anyone still need to do this ?   If so then I suppose they should be using a 
mail system that handles it.

I just switched most of my systems to qmail, and have been really impressed 
with the elegant simplicity of the design.  Unfortunately, the documentation 
is lacking, so that new users tend not to find the easiest way of doing 
things. Also, if you are used to sendmail, then qmail seems to be missing some 
functionality, until you realise how easy it is to achieve the same results 
the qmail way.

I'm not suggesting that qmail should be our default mail system, because 
setting it up requires a depth of understanding that we should not expect of 
out users.  But if Exim and qmail both support Maildir, perhaps we could look 
at making that our default maildrop, because it is much more reliable than the 
other methods.

Cheers, Phil.

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