Hamish Moffatt wrote:
>                                   It occurred to
> me that since most of the Debian packages
> are also available for m68k and also
> Sparc and Alpha now, the develops are probably
> using cross-compilation, rather than actually
> owning all these machines. 

Nope.  What happens is most (single-cpu) developers upload the source
and binaries for one architecture.  Then helpful and nice developers who
own other machines upload binaries for their cpu, built from the source.

>                           Is there a package
> for eg the m68k cross compiler? I couldn't
> find one with the package search on www.debian.org.

I don't think so.  At least, not one I built.

> Thinking about it, it would seem possible
> to have a gcc-core package which would
> include the gcc binary itself for

There really isn't a "core" gcc package, just the native version.  gcc
cross compilers wouldn't need any other gcc packages to be useful.

> Is this plausible and/or useful?

Plausible.  Would anybody else consider this useful?


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