Francesco Tapparo:
> Of course ae will be used in the boot disks, but in the default
> installation, joe must be the choiche, IMO.

From: Lars Wirzenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> This is a editor war. Please don't continue it.

Don't worry, whether or not he continues it, he will be ignored.
There will be no editor in the 2.0 base system except perhaps for "ae",
and even then "ae" should only be used for long enough to get a real
editor installed from a package. "vi" was included in the 1.3 base only
because there was space for it, not as a policy decision, and I'm not sure
that was a good idea. Editors are to be installed from packages. Period.

        Bruce Perens
        Debian Project Leader
Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
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