Michael Meskes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How on earth is it possible to get packages depending on
> libreadlineg2 into hamm when there is no package libreadlineg2 in
> the archive or in Incoming?

I removed libreadlineg2 and all other bash_2.01-0 related files from
Incoming/ after they appeared to trash Christian Hudon's computer.

I still don't know why, and am waiting on him to test something for

At the moment I'm between the devil and the deep blue sea, I don't
want to install a package which could trash people's computers into
the distribution, but if I don't there are two packages with
unsatisfied dependencies.
> At least I couldn't find the readline package.

It's in ~troup/ on master for now.  Caveat; Use at your own risk, the
package worked fine for me and someone else but not for Christian.


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