On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 05:14:09 +0000, Henning Makholm
>So is the whole thing essentially a workaround for dpkg's current
>lack of good conffile update management,

basically, yes, but I prefer to say that it is an approach that
enables Debian to make use of the excellent dpkg conffile management.

Actually, part of myself being very disturbed was being flamed for
this by the man who actually designed dpkg and the conffile management

>or would you still prefer the
>separate files way if dpkg magically gained a well-tested and stable
>conflict resolution scheme with bells, whistles, and 3-way merges?

That would depend on the shape and sound of the bells and whistles.
The current approach works fine without user intervention, while with
a 3-way-merge-approach I suspect more manual intervention. The
multiple-file approach nicely gives hints about the scope of a change.

The bells and whistles would also need to include mechanisms to allow
dropping the ban on maintainer scripts modifying dpkg-conffiles,
including dpkg-conffiles belonging to other packages.


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Marc Haber         |   " Questions are the         | Mailadresse im Header
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