David Schmitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> On Monday 14 March 2005 10:56, Aurélien Jarno wrote:
>> I think that supporting a lot of architectures is an important
>> difference between Debian and other distributions. Changing that could
>> have a dramatically influence of what users think of Debian. IMHO, such
>> an important decision should not be taken by a few developers. Maybe a
>> vote is need...
> Since this is already the second time, I see someone calling for a vote, I 
> just want to note, that no vote in the world could force someone to do work 
> he is not willing to do. Forcing RMs to resign via vote would leave Debian in 
> a much worse state.

This is right.  I also used the word GR, but I do not want it.  All I
want is that the people that made that proposal (decision?) after the
Vancouver meeting accept that although they have a big saying here,
because they do much of the work involved, they're not the only ones.  

And there are some suggestions around that would allow to combine both
goals: Dropping the workload of the release-team, ftpmaster team,
etc. considerably, while still trying to release "etch + ports
changes".  I hope the people from the Vancouver group will consider
these proposals.  May no GR, and even no GR draft, be needed for this. 

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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