This one time, at band camp, Henning Makholm said:
> Scripsit Stephen Gran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > This one time, at band camp, Henning Makholm said:
> >> The announcement that actually got posted says that the only
> >> architectures that will be allowed to have "testing" and eventually
> >> "stable" after sarge releases will be i386, ia64, powerpc, and amd64.
> >> All other architectures have the "flexibility" to either stick with
> >> unstable and only unstable, or leave the project. Boo-yeah.
> > No.  The actual line is:
> > | We project that applying these rules for etch will reduce the set of
> > | candidate architectures from 11 to approximately 4 [...]
> > "We project that the architectures that will have enough porter support"
> > is not the same as "We refuse to allow any but the following".
> The point is still that some architectures are going to be left out in
> the dark. That's the purpose of the whole plan.

Only if those architectures don't have sufficient community support.  I
really cannot see the problem with that - you want to release
architectures that aren't well supported as 'Debian stable'?  I don't.
Under the terms of the proposal as laid out, all 11 architectures
shipping with sarge _could_ ship with etch (although they might not be
mirrored so widely).  It is just up to the porters to make sure this

> > It is not a pronouncement, it is proposal,
> And how does its being a proposal mean that it can't be criticized?
> Indeed it is only because it is a proposal that it makes sense to
> criticize it at all.

Criticize away - just criticize what it actually says.  I understand
there is a lot of emotion around this issue, but it seems to me a lot of
people are letting that emotion get in the way of a clear understanding
of the proposal, and that's not helpful at all.

Take care,
|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                            |

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