> If Debian is keeping an arch alive so much that one can still buy it new, I
> certainly can't see why we should not continue releasing for that arch,
> however.  So I'd say Matthew's explanation is not perfect.  But the
> reasoning behind it is not difficult to spot.
> Throwing out this requirement makes sense, if and only if there is another
> way to get sure a released arch will not be left stranded.  So, let's work
> on these alternate ways, so that this rule can be removed.

It's not because you can't buy a new machine, the arch suddenly stops
being useful.

> > 
> > A far more acceptable alternative would be to not have openoffice on those 
> > archs.
> IMHO you are quite right.  If we can agree on that one, we should make it so
> that packages that are effectively blocked from an arch count as an
> arch-specific (of another arch) for that arch. I.e., they do not lower the
> number-of-packages-built rating.  So, they do not bother that arch at all.

Marking them arch specific would be a good starting point IMO.

> Add a hard limit that at least the entire set of non-arch-specific standard,
> required and essential packages have to be supported (or a minimum of 90% of
> them, maybe?), plus at least 50% of optional and 50% of extra (again,
> non-arch-specific) to avoid abuse, and that would do it.

You need something here yes, but by not as stringent as what has been
proposed up to now.

> DO note that we could also decide to accept that a buildd is something that
> has the latencies of a [fast enough] single unit, so, e.g., a distcc farm
> would count as one buildd.  Makes a lot of sense to me, since it addresses
> the latency problem...  but you WOULD need N+1 *farms* in different
> locations, etc. to address the reliability problem.
> Let the porter teams release an *official* list of not-for-us packages for
> their arch, which get permanently excluded from that arch's release, and
> does not cause any sort of problems *at* *all* for the maintainer of said
> packages (such as annoying problems with the testing scripts if the arch
> drops the package after it had made it to testing for that arch), and I
> don't see how that could be a bad thing.

Seems to make sense yes.

> > > packages are held back from testing by an architecture not being able to
> > > build them. 
> >
> > In which case those packages can simply be not available for the
> > architecture in question.
> Yes, IMHO.  This would take care of it, as long as we have the proper
> infrastructure in place to make it easy to manage.

The current Architecture: list should do ?

> No.  This requirement can be satisfied by having someone IN THE SECURITY
> team willing to support the arch.  There are various ways to make sure the
> security team is willing to support one arch, and I believe the most
> effective one is to get your hands dirty and go help them like crazy right
> now, so that they trust they will have help for that arch should they need
> it.
> I'd suppose a damn good way to start is to make sure there are at least two
> porters of every arch (and I *do* count i386, amd64, powerpc and other
> popular arches here) *active* in the testing security team.

Except that this requires NDAs to be signed which people might not be
willing to do.

> > > * the Debian System Administrators (DSA) must be willing to support
> > >   debian.org machine(s) of that architecture
> > > 
> > > This is in order to ensure that developer-accessible machines exist.
> > 
> > This requirement can be satisfied by stating that some one must be
> > willing to support debian.org machine(s) of that architecture.
> My guess is that it would need to be a machine under the DSA control to make
> sure the security team and stable maintainership is never left out in the
> cold.
> Is this actually a problem for any current arch (either released or not)?

AFAIK not, but you never know.

> > > * the Release Team can veto the architecture's inclusion if they have
> > >   overwhelming concerns regarding the architecture's impact on the
> > >   release quality or the release cycle length
> > > 
> > > A get out clause - it must be possible for something to be refused if it
> > > would break the release, even if it meets all the other criteria.
> > 
> > This is unacceptable. It would for example allow archs to be refused
> > because their names starts with an 'A'.
> Let's be very realistic here.  If for some weird reason, any of the
> post-release teams (security, DSA, release manager) will not touch any archs
> whose name start with an 'A', how exactly can we keep these archs working as
> a Debian stable arch must be?
> We would have to do a parallel release or something like that, using
> unofficial mirrors, etc... or to drop a released stable arch in the middle
> of a stable release.  This is *unacceptable*.  Regardless of wether it is
> acceptable or not that a post-release team refuses to work with a given
> arch, as that problem does not have a solution in a volunteer-driven
> project.

No. There needs to be some override procedure like we have for maintainers not 
doing their job. But that's beyond the scope of this discussion.


Peter (p2).

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