On Sunday 27 March 2005 11:25, Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> su, 2005-03-27 kello 09:01 +0200, George Danchev kirjoitti:
> > I second suggestion given at #250202 and like to see "unpacked" and
> > "patched" targets to hit Policy 4.8.
> I hear that Adam Heath (doogie for those on IRC) has been working on a
> new source package format that will make tarball-within-tarball sources
> obsolete and has native support for multiple patches and cures for other
> ailments. If this works, and I suspect it will, then "unpack" and
> "patch" targets will also be obsolete. Personally, I think this will be
> a good thing.

Sounds pretty good and I love to hear that, but it has nothing to do rules 
having more granular targets for those who want or need to use it that way.

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