April Fool!



On Friday 01 Apr 2005 12:01 pm, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> Hi,
> in the tradition of "Bits[1] from the DAMs", started in January, we are
> now sending another mail to inform you about recent decisions we made.
> Topics in this mail
> -------------------
> 1. Handling of Accounts
> 2. The NM Process
> 3. New Accounts?
> 4. While we are at it, some other stuff too
> 5. Mailing Lists
> 6. Release related
> 7. Are we there yet?
> 1. Handling of Accounts
> -----------------------
> While having a very s3kr1t Cabal[2]-Meeting a bit ago, we decided that
> Debian doesn't work anymore the way it is running right now. We gave you
> a chance to actually proove we are wrong with this conclusion, but the
> huge flamewars following our testmail showed that we are right.
> So we decided to have a clean restart with a small team[3] and as such
> are deleting every account[4] somewhere around this evening (UTC).
> 2. The NM Process
> -----------------
> Well, as the Cabal[2] decided in Point 1 that we[2] don't have any
> additional accounts in the future, we[2] just stopped the NM Process[5], no
> need for big queues in this process anymore, they will be deleted
> shortly after the accounts.
> 3. New Accounts
> ---------------
> Note that this all does not mean that there wont be new accounts in the
> future. Of course we have plans to let others play with our favourite
> Universal Operating System as well, so we will accept new Developers - who
> then do all the bad work for us. We[2] took some time to come up with
> objective[6] criteria for new Developers (NM), some of them are listed
> below, some others are to be announced at the time we start accepting new
> people into the project again:
> - a NM must pay both DAMs a sum of money, randomly choosen at the time
>   he applies. This ensures that we always have enough money to process
>   the request of NMs, you know it needs time to create accounts!
> - a NM must have machines of all architectures Debian supports at his
>   home, making them available for all other DDs to access over the net,
>   so we make sure every DD may know what his packages are doing on other
>   machines.
> - a NM must agree that he wont ever flame anyone behind any
>   role-address, except he paid him before.
> - [deleted or anyone from debian-women would kill me. Sorry]
> 4. While we are at it, some other stuff too
> -------------------------------------------
> Ok, while we are already at this bit-writing thing, we decided to
> add just another bit here, no need for an additional mail only wasting
> resources.
> As we both have some other hats for our nice shoulders, we just
> wanted to add that this  NEW is also stopped. You aren't able to upload
> anymore,  so no need for NEW. Of course we will clean the archive, recent
> activities with the long NEW queue, and the long past it had made the
> archive just too big. The Cabal doesn't use all the packages, so why
> should we keep them around? Be prepared for a 1GB Debian Mirror in the
> future, carrying all useful stuff you need to have.
> 5. Mailing Lists
> ----------------
> As we considered the climate on the lists to be BAD, we just decided to
> randomly shut them down. Whenever we[2] don't like a thread this list
> will be dropped for at least a week. We are sure that this will help us
> to get to a much friendlier atmosphere, as random people already
> announced that need a while ago.
> 6. Release related
> ------------------
> What for? With the end of this day we will remove sarge and woody. We
> all run sid anyways, so why bother keeping something always outdated?
> Its so much simpler to just work on sid. Believe us, we are the Cabal,
> we know that.
> 7. Are we there yet?
> --------------------
> Yes, some ice cream for you.
> Footnotes:
> [1] Sorry, only Bits, not Bytes, we[2] didn't have enough time to prepare
>     Bytes. Please go and collect as many copies as you need to prepare
>     a byte out of it yourself.
> [2] Cabal[2], OH Cabal[2]. Yes, there is a Cabal[2]. If you need to read
>     this via a public mailinglist you are not in this Cabal[2].
>     Sorry. Bad luck for you.
> [3] Yes, you know, anyone says small teams[2] are good.
> [4] Not our[2] own and some hand-selected Cabal[2] Members Accounts of
>       course.
> [5] Just think about it. Its *NM* - so *N*o *M*ore Processing fits very
> well.
> [6] Really. We used more than two dices for them!

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT -- http://www.researchut.com
Gnupg Key ID: 04F130BC
"Stealing logic from one person is plagiarism, stealing from many is 

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