On Apr 03, Wouter Verhelst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 02, 2005 at 04:51:18PM +0100, Henning Makholm wrote:
> > | Installer images x, y, and z belong to the 'main' distribution of
> > | Debian, and therefore do support various recent makes of hardware
> > | (link to list) that require non-free firmware that cannot go into
> > | 'main'.  If you need to have one these devices work before you can
> > | access the network, you will want to use one of the installer images
> > | u, v, and w, from the 'non-free' section.
> Ah, that is what you mean. I thought you were advocating to put the
> non-free firmware blobs in the installer images in main.
Indeed, this would mean that Debian would not support these devices, so
I'm opposed to this "solution".


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