Hello Bernd,

* Bernd Eckenfels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-04-11 15:07]:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> > Sure, but only if two projects have at least some differences; in 'The
> > Cathedral and the Bazaar' popclient becomes fetchmail.
> There are a lot differences between linda and lintian, especially the
> programming language. Which is if course a big point if you consider
> programmers can only help in one but not the other.

Yes maybe but I think this shouldn't be the write way.

If this would be the case we would ahve more programms
written in different languages but in the same purpose.
There are some but in my opinion this is *not* the way open
source works in general. The program is designed for users
and users in most cases don't recognize in which language
the program is written.

And I don't think that there aren't enough skilled people who
aren't able to provide patches.
Regards Nico
Nico Golde - [EMAIL PROTECTED] | GPG: 1024D/73647CFF
http://www.ngolde.de | http://www.muttng.org | http://grml.org 
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