On Wednesday 13 April 2005 08:12, Patrick A. Ouellette wrote:
> I suggest we can eliminate the traditional concept of a "release"  with
> the addition of another step in the progression from unstable to
> stable.  Additionally, all promotion of packages from one step to the
> next will be automated according to strict rules.
> The progression I see is:
> unstable -> testing -> candidate -> stable

I like the spirit of this idea, although I'm sure the details need a lot of 
working over. (This could, but wouldn't need to *replace* releases--it 
could simply augment the release creation process.)

I'm interested to hear other's ideas on why this is/is not a good idea, and 
what technical/logistical hurdles would prevent this from being done.

Wesley J. Landaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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