On Sun, 2005-05-01 at 14:28 +0200, Alexis Sukrieh wrote:
> Jeroen van Wolffelaar a Ãcrit :
> > I'm strongly in favour of a lists.debian.org, and I'm sure it'll be
> > created swiftly when we choose a sane name for it.
> If possible, I also think that a lists.debian.org is better, and will 
> underline the fact that a real coordination is needed around webapp 
> packages.
> So let's find a name, here are some ideas I have "on the fly", feel free 
> to comment on it:

That works for me.

>     - debian-www@lists.debian.org

err... you're kidding right?


I'm not too keen on a packages list. I don't want such a list to become
a maintainer for anything (short of maybe a web app policy)


I find that one too confusing.



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