On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 11:57:45AM +0100, Tim Cutts wrote:
> On 10 May 2005, at 1:05 am, Paul Brossier wrote:
> >Now i feel like i have missed something obvious. Is there a tool
> >out there that i could use as a drop in replacement for queue?
> This is not the right forum for this question.

i thought so, i actually resent this email to -beowulf and the thread is
growing there. thanks for your reply anyway.

> However, I'll answer you anyway, since I know something about this.  
> The two market leaders for this sort of processing are Sun GridEngine 
> (which is free [as in beer, at least]) and Platform LSF, which is 
> proprietary and costs $$$, but is very good at what it does.


> I looked at GNU queue a long time ago, and it looked (to me) as though 
> its mode of operation was largely based on how LSF works, but when I 
> looked at GNU queue it was pretty fundamentally broken (and it got 
> removed from woody as a result).  GridEngine is rather different in its 
> organisation, but a lot of people swear by it.

queue *is* in woody, and is planned to go in sarge as it is. i will bump
the severity of the bug i reported to serious.


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