On Sun, May 29, 2005 at 02:12:27PM -0400, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
> On Sun, 29 May 2005, ratikanta rath wrote:
> >Note- I began liking debian after i heard of it.
> >Please help this poor student by mailing me the CDs if
> >you have
> >
> How far away are you from Bhubaneswar?  There is a Linux User Group there 
> which can possibly assist you with CDs and other Linux help.  Their 
> website can be found at http://ilug-bbsr.sourceforge.net/
Hi Ratikanta and Jaldhar,
with all the talk of outsourcing to India and the rise of  the technology
sector in India, there has to be quite a few linux group in India as
Jaldhar seems to sugest. I used the google search engine and found lists
for groups in Goa, Mumbia, Dehli, and other places. 

Here are a few websites to look at:

Since I am not familiar with all the languages in India, this may be
useful. "Bengali Linux" is a Gnu/Linux which supports Bengali. It is at:

look at the sites and if they are not in your area, contact someone of
these sites by email and ask them if they know of a group closer to you!
Linux People are very friendly and are willing to help obtain a CD. Just

if all else fails, you may want to ask the Ubuntu people to mail
you an Ubuntu CD as they mail their CD for free. Try:
Ubuntu is very similar to Debian since it uses the Debian package format
and some of the people in Ubuntu are Debian developers.
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