On 6/13/05, Humberto Massa Guimarăes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not necessarily. Just as you have "tableout" as an external command
> (built-in or not) in Monad, you can have a Perl module to print
> things in a tabular manner, expanding the column sizes as needed
> (based on HTML::Format::Table or somesuch)

But I doubt that'd be as simple as things are now.

> Yes, and I withdraw :-) what I said about XML. But *any*
> serialization / deserialization necessary for this scheme to work
> would add (unnecessary) overhead. This and the fact that you would
> create incompatibilities with other Unices ... Those are indications
> that this won't be done.

What kind of incompatibilities?
> Obviously, some Monad clone can be done with its entire toolchain
> (monad-ls, monad-tableout) ...

Why not ls --monad?

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