On Thu, Jun 16, 2005 at 01:01:17AM -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:

> Hmmmm... Silly me thought that Italian was the only Latin language
> which used no diacritics. Which kind of accents does it have?

Italian can have accents over vowels, some are read differently if they
are grave or acute:

  à è é í ò ó ú
  À È É Í Ò Ó Ú

it's also matter of debate if the accent over a, i or u is grave or

Dieresis are used in poetry, to split a diptongue (piëtà) as well as
when writing words coming from some dialect (siüra).

Circumflexes were used in the past when a word becoming plural would end
in double 'i' (declivî).

More could show up when spelling arcaic Italian (who sometimes had an
extra letter for a sweet 'z' sound), dialects (who have all sort of
diacritics that can change from dialect to dialect and from spelling
method to spelling method) or of course when writing mixed languages in
the boundary regions where there is more than one official language.



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